Guasha (Scraping Therapy)
Guasha translates as the scraping of skin to eliminate the ‘Sha’, commonly understood as pathogens or toxins from the body. It is an ancient treatment where practitioners use the smooth-edged section of the scraping instrument (i.e. Jade stone, buffalo horn etc.) to perform quick and gentle press strokes on a localised skin surface, occasionally accompanied by skin lubricants, until there is superficial skin bruising. The practice soothes the body by promoting blood circulation and relieves febrile symptoms, making it a popular option for patients suffering from the common cold.
Studies have shown that it may benefit patients presenting with:
Studies have shown that it may benefit patients presenting with:
- Acute sprain
- Frozen shoulder
- Fever
- Acute respiratory infection
- Heat stroke
- Stroke sequelae

This treatment is performed by a licenced Chinese medicine practitioner. For further interest, kindly complete the enquiry form to make your first appointment with our practitioners.
- Is Sha harmful to the body?
- Scraping is performed with moderately gentle ‘press strokes’. Sha is the result of scraping. It may appear as skin turning pink or the emergence of petechiae, skin bruising that presents in small red or purple spots. Based on Chinese Medicine theory, Sha is the product of toxins and waste eliminated from the body via counter blood flow in the meridian channels through the skin. With elimination of waste and toxins from the body, Qi and blood is regulated, therefore Sha is not harmful to the body.
- What are the side effects of Guasha?
- There are generally no side effects to Guasha. Even so, it leaves behind pinkish to red skin, with an occasional combination of petechiae and ecchymosis (large patch of bruising), which disappears within 2 to 4 days, leaving no scars.
- Can I perform Guasha at home?
- Guasha is a simple and convenient practice. By utilising the right tools with the right guidance, Guasha is safe to be carried out at home. However, supervision is required to ensure procedures are properly followed to prevent broken skin and spongiosis (fluid accumulation beneath the epidermal layer of the skin).
- Is the Guasha tool disinfected after each use?
- The Guasha tool is first cleaned with water and soap and then disinfected with high-level disinfecting solution after each use. It is subsequently stored in a clean and dry area before its next use.
- Who is suitable for Guasha?
- Guasha is not suitable for all body types. A patient will be advised further by his/her practitioner to determine if this treatment is suitable.